For What it's Worth
I was at a party this weekend celebrating the fabulous Lindsey and her big day, coming soon, marrying the also fabulous Jake. They are testament to the power of happy endings. Hooray!
At the party I overheard a conversation between the mother-of-the-bride and the mother-of-the-groom. I wasn't eavesdropping. Honestly. They were saying how amazing all the presents were that had been opened. And one said to the other, "You gotta remember, these girls have more time than money. That's different than the way it was back in our day." And, I thought about it. Wouldn't I trade any money, and the stuff that comes along with it, for more time? Is this why we are a stressed-out, anxious, go-go-go society? We gave up trying to share experiences and now we just crave more stuff?
It reminded me that I recently began my "official" career as a personal shopper/fashion consultant. I know I have been doing this for years, but this was actually a job I am talking about (and, yes, I am available for hire--tell your friends!). My first legit client is a family friend and she bought me an amazing and totally hip jacket that I would have never bought myself as my payment. I had been expecting cold, hard cash, and was surprised by the "gift." She said, "You can always make more money, and I know you would never have gotten this for yourself." And she was absolutely right. At first I thought, this is how I was planning on making that money. But then I realized, she was right. You can always make more money. You can't make more time. Once it's spent, it's gone forever. And, the experience I had shopping, growing my new business and finding tremendous success will always be marked by my special coat. I love the coat as much for it's awesomeness as I do for what it means to me.
Honestly, right now I don't have much time OR money, but if I had to pick, I definitely would choose more time.