I'll Never Write a Novel

The Memoir of a Personal Essayist OR Confessions of a Theatre Widow

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Have you seen these?

All this talk about my fabulous shoes and nothing to show for it. Until now...

They are even sexier when they are on a foot.* The Husband loves them a lot.

You can consider this a Tony fashion preview. More details to come.

*This will likely be the first and only time that you will see me put versions of the words "foot" and "sexy" in the same sentence.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tony, Toni, Tone

So, the Tony Awards are two weeks from tomorrow and I cannot believe I am going! It's kind of insane, actually. Full disclosure: I had to buy my tickets with all the plebes. And I will be sitting far away from the awesomeness, but I GET TO GO! On the other hand, The Husband's producers were generous enough to buy him what should be a lovely seat down much closer to the action. We could not afford the $700-a-pop for me to sit with him. But we will be together, sort of. I believe that Radio City Music Hall seats about 5,000 people, so there will likely be about 3,500+ people between us. But there is a pre-party and a post-party so we will certainly be together for those. Oh, and I AM GOING TO THE TONY AWARDS!

Had we not had to shell out some legitimate cash for my seat (significantly less than Louis' locale), perhaps there would be a new dress on the horizon. But I am very blessed to have a ridiculously fabulous collection of cool dresses to choose from in my own collection, and none of them have really been viewed by NYC eyes, so I think I will be okay. I plan to throw on my Vera Wang black dress, so that ain't too shabby. It may be old enough that if anyone asks who I am wearing I can say, "Vintage Vera Wang." The shoes will be the new ones I got for opening night (more on that later). They are amazing, crazy sexy shoes by the company,"Oh, Deer." Love that name. Love the shoes even more. My darling spouse actually bought them for me for opening night. They were a good luck charm then and I hope they do the same on June 7. My other good luck charm from opening (and yet another gift from the hubby) are my new Swarovski crystal earrings. Fancy Shmancy. I don't have a ton of stuff on the East Coast at the moment, but I am lucky to have the amazing things I do.

What's better is the other accompaniments I have for the night are the beyond compare. My sister and my dad will be joining me in the cheap seats! It seems almost too good to be true. My family means everything to me and to get to share this with them is a little bit of a miracle. They will also be seeing The Show that weekend, making them the first of my immediate family to do so. I cannot wait to hear what I think.

So, the awards show is being hosted by Neil Patrick Harris. You may know him as Doogie Howser, M.D., but to me he's Barney Stinson. And he sleighs me. I cannot wait to see him in action. Also in action will be my "extended family," some of the cast of "The Show." The Dad Guy isn't performing, which may be all for the best as we'll actually get to enjoy the festivities together. But Alice, Bobby and Aaron are going to kill it. It's going to blow your mind. Whoever you are reading this right now, be prepared to have your mind blown. It'll be fun to watch the an amazing show get recognized and take home some awards. At the end of the night everyone will be saying, "Billy Who?"

So, off to figure out what jewelery to wear. And to jump up and down a little bit.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Is anyone still reading this?!

Apparently I was discouraged by the total lack of interest in my recent posts that I went on hiatus. I use the term "recent" loosely. It's been ages, but I am not sure anyone cares...

So, in an effort to bring my own caring to the table I shall make a go of this again and see what happens. Too many exciting things going on to keep quiet I guess. So, I am putting a suggestions list below. And suggesting to moi that I get off my lazy a$$ and write something, anything, about any one of these topics. If you would like to chime in on what you'd like to hear most, even perhaps items left off this list, please do so.

And now, the list...

1. The opening of The Dad Guy's Broadway Show and the faboo party that followed.
2. The Tony nomination excitement about said Broadway show.
3. Celebrity sightings by the husband and myself (both together and seperately).
4. News of our apartment hunt, apartment selection and adventures in furnishing.
5. Travels to and from home with a two-year-old.
6. Little G's second birthday party.
7. Highlights from my favorite TV shows. Lost finale, for instance.

Seven is a lucky number so I will stop there.

I will get back to this list, but for now, if you stumble upon this place, do me a favor and make a comment.

Hiatus over.