I'll Never Write a Novel

The Memoir of a Personal Essayist OR Confessions of a Theatre Widow

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So many other things to talk about, but I wanted to let you know that I baked something recently and it was amazing.

I made Orange Lime Pie with Meringue Topping. Seriously, it might be my best baking effort in ages. In fact, my husband asked me yesterday what hobby I might like to take up (something I have been saying I need as of late) and I said, "Baking." I think I really enjoy cooking, and especially baking. This pie was so great, and it looked exactly like the picture. Which reminds me that I should have taken a picture. Maybe pies are my specialty. When you ask Little G what Mama loves, she knows the answer, "Piiiie."

Interestingly enough, my husband thought I might like to take an acting class or a solo act preparation class. He thought I would enjoy it and would probably do pretty well. So, it's something to ponder.

For now, I shall enjoy pie.

*Here is the Food Porn site's photo, but I swear this is EXACTLY what mine looked like.