I'll Never Write a Novel

The Memoir of a Personal Essayist OR Confessions of a Theatre Widow

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So many other things to talk about, but I wanted to let you know that I baked something recently and it was amazing.

I made Orange Lime Pie with Meringue Topping. Seriously, it might be my best baking effort in ages. In fact, my husband asked me yesterday what hobby I might like to take up (something I have been saying I need as of late) and I said, "Baking." I think I really enjoy cooking, and especially baking. This pie was so great, and it looked exactly like the picture. Which reminds me that I should have taken a picture. Maybe pies are my specialty. When you ask Little G what Mama loves, she knows the answer, "Piiiie."

Interestingly enough, my husband thought I might like to take an acting class or a solo act preparation class. He thought I would enjoy it and would probably do pretty well. So, it's something to ponder.

For now, I shall enjoy pie.

*Here is the Food Porn site's photo, but I swear this is EXACTLY what mine looked like.


Blogger CV said...

Oh my gosh, Noreen, I would lick the computer screen if I could! :) That looks amazing. Thanks for posting the recipe, I'll have to try it sometime.

I also love to bake when the occasion calls for it. Cheesecakes are my favorite, and pretty easy if you get a pre-made crust. I have yet to make my own.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Alicia said...

Most excellent! I love making apple pie ... I don't eat much of it, but it's usually inhaled pretty fast. I like the smiles that baking brings. Welcome to the party ... :)

10:11 PM  
Blogger The Olson Four said...

Baking truly is a wonderful hobby. How many other hobbies can so easily be shared with others? I'll have to give that recipe a try - yum!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love love love baking, especially this time of year! And since Liam can eat egg yolks now but not egg whites yet, I've been meaning to try some meringue-type things. This one looks be-yoot-iful.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Noreen said...

Thanks, Ladies! It really is a delicious treat and I highly recommend it. Camille, I love to make cheesecakes, too. It used to be my shared experience with my first sister-in-law. We baked lots. My favorite all time cheesecake is a lemon swirl one from Cooking Light: AMAZING. Alicia, I don't think I can ever beat my Mama's apple pie. It rocks my world, so I have felt compelled to try new things to avoid the letdown! Meredith, any baking insight from you is treasured! You are a genius. Beth, Gwen has gotten a little sweet tooth lately and I have a little urge to give that tooth a fix. Liam would probably love the meringue. It's yummy!!

5:32 PM  
Blogger Rob W said...

I sometimes bake pies too.
I always decorate the top with a greek letter pi made of pastry.
I sometimes photograph the pie too. I like food photography.

I sometimes put my photos on flickr. But the trouble is - even though they are protected by copyright law - some people copy the photos and put them elsewhere on the internet. Then other people copy them from without realising they belong to me at all. And before you know it - my images are popping up all over the place.


I'm flattered that you like the pie pi image enough to use it on your blog. And I'd be happy to discuss granting permission for you to continue to do so. Just let me know.


8:37 AM  

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